It was easy enough, at first, to tell which way he needed to go: down. There was still something about the flow of mana – it was too streamlined to be very near the source; closer to, it would have been more likely to spread and billow out, so to speak.
Which did mean that the times he took a wrong turn, he felt it before getting more than a minute or so away.
Farther down, he doubted he’d have that cue. The stone here had been worked, and inlaid with spell-forms, to channel mana to the surface, rather than letting it go straight through the rock where it might spread out prematurely; with this much power, though, it would come to a point where those spell-forms weren’t enough to contain it entirely.
Unless the spell-forms got a great deal stronger – which might not be worth the effort – the whole area around the font would be washed out. And mage-sight would be essentially useless. It was hardly much good to him even now.
He took no chances; he walked in the shadows now. He had to assume that the others knew about it – after all, Liri had.
The thought made his gut wrench. If he had to fight her…
The less he needed to fight any of his companions, the better. Even if they knew he could copy a Nightkin, they still wouldn’t be able to see him. So long as the corridor remained clear, he should be all right.