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Sometimes, people ask how I started doing this.

It’s simple, really. There I was, not a week past my sixteenth birthday, meandering through the market and looking at all sorts of goods that I had no hope of buying for myself. I was dreaming of the time I might have enough money for it – me, a youth of no trade, no prospects; me, a street urchin, my father dead before I was born, my mother jailed for smuggling dream-spice. But I dreamed anyway, dreamed of the time when I would be a man of substance, when the name of Edmond Larson would command respect. What I would be, how I would get that wealth, I had no idea; but I dreamed of having it.

And in the short term, I would take the pennies I’d begged for, and buy one of the spiced buns that had been tantalizing my nose for the last quarter-hour.
