Wed 1 Feb 2012
No True Substitute
Posted by Shurhaian under Courtesan's War
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“You’re worried, Sasha.”
Sasha Devar blinked down at the woman under his hands. She had her chin on her arms and her eyes closed; until that moment, there’d been little indication that she was paying him much mind beyond the massage he was giving her. Which he did not permit himself to interrupt for more than an instant; hands still at work, he responded with a noncommittal, “Pardon, ma’am?” He was being paid, and paid well, to make her comfortable. Among other things which would come later, of course – the lapis lazuli twinkling on the rim of his right ear, in its silver setting, was not an idle decoration – but in any event, his worries weren’t on the agenda, and he thought he’d been keeping them at bay…