Autumn was a hard time to be a working pegasus in Horseshoe Corners. While summer mostly called for clear days with just enough rain to keep crops growing well, in autumn things were more complicated. First, the pegasi needed to stir up a lot more wind to keep things properly cool. Rain was just as important – letting crops dry out just before harvest-time would be disastrous. But rain at the wrong time would be bad, too; the fields couldn’t be too wet for the farmers to harvest them. So all the pegasi were worked to the wingbones to move clouds into place when it was time for rain, make sure they rained properly, and then shoo them off over the surrounding hills when enough had fallen on the fields.

And somepony needed to be sure all of it was happening at the right times – and in Horseshoe Corners, somepony meant Stormchaser.

The big apple harvest was the next major item on the calendar, and Stormchaser was exhausted making ready for it. Most of his team were – nobody was shirking at this time of year like the gentler schedules of summertime sometimes invited – but after the day’s cloud-herding was done, he still needed to pore over the charts and get all the assignments sorted out. And with a touch of the feather flu going around, they were all too short on wing-power.

The sun was about due to set by the time he finished juggling schedules and dragged himself to the Trestle and Trough for a meal. He’d have liked some company for it, but Thunderhead and West Wind, his closest actual friends among the pegasi he managed, were both sick, and he of all ponies needed to avoid coming down with the ‘flu if he possibly could; the Berry stallions, whose family had as many apple trees as berry vines, were even busier than he this week with their share of the harvest, and the sometime-dancer Tumbledown would be helping them; and the only unicorn he was really on good terms with was Rough Rider, who was off in Croupenhagen now.

Sure, Roughie had sent mail the other day with an open invitation to visit, and it wasn’t too far for a day trip for a quick pegasus like Stormchaser – but that was only if he had a day to spend in rest. Lately, he could barely find time to scribble a note to send back, never mind actually going in person!

So he was by himself when he sat wearily at a table.

He wasn’t there long before a pale blue unicorn filly trotted over, a heaping platter of greens and fruit and a smaller dish of berries in cream floating alongside her in a magical nimbus of white light. “And here’s our star pegasus!” she crowed, setting both plates on Stormchaser’s table. “Here’s our way of showing that somepony appreciates the long, hard hours you’re putting in, handsome. Just come to us whenever you need a bit of refreshment, all right?”

“Thanks very much, Sweet Springs,” Stormchaser replied, and meant it. All of it looked perfectly fresh and smelled heavenly.

The unicorn laughed, tossing her head in a tumble of deep blue mane. “So formal, Stormchaser! Well, my sire would give me such a scolding if I kept you from his cooking. Enjoy! I’ll have the main course out shortly.” She trotted on to the next table, her tail brushing his flank as she passed.

Oh, there was another thing: the only pony in Horseshoe Corners whose flirting had ever made him feel something other than awkward was, in fact, not in Horseshoe Corners at all, but off living in Croupenhagen.

He didn’t let that awkwardness keep him from the food, though. That would be a disservice to Bright Kettle’s cooking; hot foods or cold, that stallion could really put a meal together. And he must have really felt like treating Stormchaser: the main course, when it arrived, turned out to be curried veggies over rice. Rice wasn’t grown in Horseshoe Corners, and cumin wasn’t found anywhere close. The typical fare, that which any foal or working pony who lived in the village could get for no charge, usually focused on potatoes or carrots or both. It was always good fare – Bright Kettle had a way with herbs – but what he had in front of him now was definitely not the usual fare.

What it was was delicious, and Stormchaser gratefully dug in.

One upside of lacking a partner to talk with was that it gave him a chance to hear the village gossip, which he’d otherwise been too busy to stay up to date on. Today, a gaggle of fillies – three unicorns and an earth pony – was chattering about a new stallion in town; apparently he’d arrived the day before, all the way from the other side of Equestria – from Las Pegasus, clear past Canterlot. He was staying in one of the guest rooms at the Trestle and Trough while its mistress, Sweet Springs’s dam Sweet Dreams, helped him find a place to stay – the fillies were all so excited that a new stallion was moving here, and were hoping to catch sight of him when he came back for the evening because he was so handsome…

Stormchaser smiled to himself as he munched away. At least the arrival of somepony new meant that he didn’t have to gently dissuade them himself. Especially with Rough Rider out of town, Stormchaser was the eligible bachelor of Horseshoe Corners – in that regard, being so tired after each day’s flying had its upsides too, giving him a reason to slip away from them all without appearing unduly rude.

He’d just finished the salad and almost polished off the curry when a sudden squeal reminded him of just how much he appreciated that. Apparently they’d sighted him – or one of their friends had, anyway; the group of fillies had been joined by a fifth, a tired but smug pegasus who’d seen him coming up the trail and flown ahead to share the news.

Mercifully, the babbling got pushed down when somepony else pushed into the inn. Stormchaser suppressed a sigh and took his last mouthful of curry. Okay, the fillies were eager for a special somepony – he couldn’t begrudge them that. He just wished they’d be a little more, well, quiet about it.

Sweet Springs may have taken the chance to flirt, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t a hard worker; she called a greeting to the newest arrival right away, hustling over to the kitchen counter to collect another salad-and-strawberries pair as she invited him to find a seat. Stormchaser was about to put the whole business out of mind and start his dessert when somepony said, “Hey, mind if I have a seat here?”

A quite familiar somepony, at that.

Stormchaser stopped dead with his mouth still open, head swiveling up to take in the new arrival. He was a lean and wiry pegasus, with a white coat, sky-blue mane, gold eyes, and a golden shooting star on his flank; he held himself with confidence bordering on a challenge to all who saw him; and he was grinning.

Stormchaser blinked, and managed to close his mouth, swallow, and speak. “Comet Trail? What in Celestia’s name are you doing here?

“Getting something to eat, obviously!” Grinning even wider, the enviably-well-rested pegasus sat down opposite Stormchaser. Then, as the grey pegasus was working up the energy to glare, Comet Trail laughed. “All right, don’t look at me like that. I’m looking for work, actually. Figured I’d be better off looking for it where at least somepony knew my name.”

At that, Stormchaser had to laugh. “Comet Trail, you don’t need my word to get places when Rainbow Dash knows your name! All you’d have to do is say you graduated with honours from the Wonderbolts Academy, and you’d have weather teams holding competitions to try to get your attention – and you wouldn’t have to share the spotlight!” Not that Stormchaser would have begrudged him that spotlight whole, but the whole reason they knew each other was because Stormchaser had been right beside him at the Academy, receiving the exact same honours, lead pony with Comet Trail on his wing. He was the local, home-grown celebrity, the village’s well-known weather captain for a half-dozen years, and as soon as the novelty of a newcomer wore off, he’d have just as much of the attention on him again.

“Yeah, well… you helped me learn there’s more to a team than one pony,” Comet trail replied, not with the awkward half-grumble he once might have done, but with pride, his head held high. He paused just long enough for Sweet Springs to set his food down and to say some quick thanks, then turned his attention back to Stormchaser. “Back in Las Pegasus, there’s always a dozen hotshots prancing around, but there’s never a chance for me to show what I can do. But you talked about how busy you’re kept here, and I thought maybe you could use another pair of wings.”

“Celestia and Luna, could I ever,” Stormchaser groaned. “But I never figured you for small-town life, Comet. You sure you won’t go nuts from boredom? It’s all work this time of year, you know – and it’s nothing glamorous.”

“Maybe not, but ponies here obviously appreciate a job well done.” He nodded at the remnants of Stormchaser’s meal. “That’s good enough for me. Besides, city life for me was a constant refrain of ‘oh, who are you, exactly?’” Comet Trail snorted. “So long as ponies at least recognize me, and know when I’ve done something good, I’m okay with them knowing when I’ve screwed up, too. I came here to work, not to be fussed over.”

“I think there’s some ponies who’ll be sorry to hear that,” Stormchaser drawled, looking a table over, where, indeed, the fillies were looking on with matched expressions of mingled admiration and horror.

“Maybe so, but I can’t be all things to everypony.” Once Sweet Springs had deposited his own curry – the new pony in town being treated just as hospitably as the local celebrity – and moved on, Comet Trail bent down over the table, leaning in close. “Uh, how much more do you want me to say?”

“There’s more to why you’re here?” Stormchaser murmured back, heart fluttering.

“Believe it,” Comet Trail replied, shooting him an achingly familiar sizzling gaze. “But if that’s in the past, I’ll still fly on your wing.”

Stormchaser shivered. “I wouldn’t have gone into detail while I was on my own,” he admitted. “But now you’re actually here… well,” he grinned, “if you think it’d make things easier, I do have my own place, and it’s got room for some more stuff. Not so much for another bed, though.”

“Might as well get all the heartbreak out of the way early on, huh?” Comet Trail leaned closer still, nuzzling at Stormchaser’s nose in a way that wasn’t at all secretive, yet was much more understated than the old Comet Trail would ever have done; then he settled back, and spoke up again.

“The last reason I’m here,” he went on, “simply enough, is you. I missed you, Stormchaser. First, you were a challenge. Then you showed me you really were the better pony, and being on your wing was the best thing that happened to me. You were my mentor and my friend. And more than that… I love you, Stormchaser. It took me a while to realize that’s what it was, but it hasn’t changed since. Not one bit. So…” He held his head high again, looking Stormchaser in the eye. “If you and Horseshoe Corners will have me, here I am.”

Stormchaser was stunned. Oh, he’d known Comet Trail respected him, might have even been fond of him – and he’d returned that fondness, certainly! But love?

It floored him. But it felt good.

“I…” He swallowed, tried again. “You’re not the only pony with a piece of my heart, Comet Trail.” That he said under his breath; he didn’t want to spend ages trying to explain his unusual love life to the onlookers.

“I know.” The paler pegasus didn’t falter in the least. He had heard Stormchaser reminisce about Rough Rider, after all. “Wouldn’t mind meeting the other, sometime. If I’ve got a piece too, that’s plenty for me.”

“That you do.” Stormchaser took a breath, reaching over to put a hoof on Comet Trail’s shoulder. “That you certainly do. I love you too, Comet trail. As a friend and love, I’d be really happy to have you here in Horseshoe Corners. And as a weather pony, you’d be like a personal gift from the Princesses right now.”

“That’s good enough for me, Stormy.” Comet Trail bumped hooves with him, and paused to take a bite of salad. Swallowing, he said, “I’ll be ready to fly as soon as the sun comes up. But meanwhile…”

“Meanwhile, you’re welcome to stay at my place,” Stormchaser reiterated, out loud this time, trying to ignore the gasps and sighs from off to the side. “Though with the days I’ve been putting in, I can’t really promise to be an exciting host!”

“Maybe after I take some of that work off your wings, huh?” Comet Trail replied, grinning. He took another mouthful of food, then said, more soberly, “I hear you’ve been in a bind lately. Sick pegasi?”

Worst time of year for an outbreak of feather flu,” Stormchaser groaned. “I hope you haven’t bumped into any ponies with it. The last thing we need is to work you into the schedule, only to have you suddenly grounded – and probably me soon after.”

“Far as I know, I haven’t,” the other pegasus assured him. “None of the places I stopped on the way here had a case, and one of the first things I heard when I touched down yesterday was to stay away from the hospice unless it was urgent.”

Stormchaser let the conversation lapse so the other pony could eat; he did all the talking, instead, as he described the conditions around town and what he’d need Comet Trail’s help doing. For the first little while, until he knew the lay of the town, Stormchaser wanted to keep him close, but it would be so welcome to be able to delegate after that. In the meantime, hashing out plans for the next few days and detailing them to his newest worker was enough to pass that worker’s meal; they had dessert together over lighter matters, reminiscing over their time at the Academy.

At least, those parts suitable for public discussion. The actual reason behind one memorable scolding, for instance, remained their little secret.

Comet Trail really had changed over the months. When they’d been at the Academy, he’d been starting to learn real humility, and he hadn’t taken it with complete grace. Now, though – now, he wore it naturally, yet without compromising his pride in the process. He was aware of himself, both his strengths and his limitations, in a way he hadn’t been before. Nor was that the only difference. The old Comet Trail would have flaunted a relationship, daring others to comment – there was still some of that now. But he’d only done that after making sure that Stormchaser didn’t want to keep things more discreet.

As for that declaration of love… well. Comet Trail had shown a flair for many things at the Wonderbolts Academy, but romance hadn’t been one of them. It might not be like tales and songs told it, but it was all over Comet Trail: confident, forthright, daring somepony else to challenge it if they thought the words empty. It was, in short, perfect.

“You’re looking kind of peaky there, Stormchaser,” the other stallion said after dessert was done, “and I think I’ve kept you away from your bed. Let’s change that now, huh? C’mon. Show me the way and I’ll get you tucked in.”

Truth be told, it was nice, having somepony to lean on, and having somepony flying with him, ready to lend a hoof if he faltered. And where the old Comet Trail might have gently teased him about it – if only gently, by the end of their time together – the Comet Trail who was here now didn’t comment on it at all, just helped him into bed, tucked him in, and promised to be quiet while he brought his things in.

He was true to his word, too. Stormchaser woke only briefly, to find the room dark, the lamps covered, and Comet Trail slipping in alongside him. Stormchaser turned his head to nuzzle a greeting, which the other stallion returned in kind. “Catch you in the morning, Captain Lead Pony,” Comet Trail whispered.

And then they were flying together through Stormchaser’s dreams, side by side again, as they ought. They flew through the rings and around the posts at the Wonderbolts Academy, spinning up storms and dispersing them. They raced between the packed buildings of Las Pegasus, soared over the Canterlot spires, passed over hills and fields and winding rivers, saw their shadows flickering over the canopy of the Everfree Forest.

And then they came back to Horseshoe Corners, sweeping the skies clear, jointly applauded by the ponies below. When they landed, it was side by side, with Comet Trail’s wing over Stormchaser’s withers.

That comfortable sensation was still with him when the cheers gave way to birdsong.

For all their time together at the Academy, all the things they’d done there – officially and otherwise – this was something they hadn’t: just resting next to one another. During the day they’d been much too busy; at night, they’d honestly needed the rest, and had tried to keep up some level of discretion as well. They’d slept in their own spots, each in a different building.

Besides, even towards the end of the Academy program, Stormchaser wouldn’t have thought Comet Trail would actually go along with something so sedate. He’d always been so eager to be in action – the sort of pony for whom rest was an unpleasant necessity of life, not something to enjoy.

He certainly didn’t show any discontent now, dozing against Stormchaser’s side.

He woke up very quickly, though, when Stormchaser shifted next to him. There was no lengthy production of shifting, stretching, blinking, and yawning for him; he made a soft sound, cracked an eye open, and then he was pushing up to his feet. He did yawn a little as he said, “G’morning, Stormy,” but it wasn’t a big enough yawn to really slur what he said.

“You always were the Academy’s biggest morning pony,” Stormchaser laughed, pushing up into a somewhat more gradual stretch, working out his wings as he did. “Ready to work? Bright Kettle will have a spread out for farmers and pegasi alike – it’ll be simpler than we got last night, but I don’t think he knows how to make a bad meal.”

“I can believe that!” Comet Trail looked his wings over as he stretched them out and gave a few experimental beats. “No worse for the trip. So, time to eat?”

Breakfast wasn’t much, not for pegasi who needed to get right to work. Stormchaser bolted down a delicately-seasoned herb cake with a haste that might have been taken as disrespectful to the cook in other times, and then he went right to counting noses.

Nopony was missing today who hadn’t been yesterday, thank Celestia, though nopony was back on the roster yet either. Still, that meant they were one pony up from yesterday – and that one was very competent. So long as he really had mellowed out enough to deal with the simple needs of a country village, this might go all right.

He gave his head a shake. Now why was he doubting the other stallion like that? Comet Trail had always got the job done at the Academy. Maybe he’d shown off in the process, but he did have a sense of style to back it up, so Stormchaser couldn’t entirely begrudge him that. And that dream he’d had overnight – that could only be a sign that Comet Trail belonged here, and that he, Stormchaser, should be trusting him on that.

Thank you, Princess Luna, for that bit of reassurance. This day’s going to be anxious enough without worrying about how he’ll do.

“All right, ponies, listen up,” he called when the last pegasus was present and munching her cake. “Today’s going to be tricky. The Berries need the rain kept off the apple orchards for another day while they get the harvest done, but they need rain on the actual berry bushes. That’s the only place that needs rain today, but most of us are going to be kept busy along the edge between those two plots.

“Snow Dancer, Wind Whisper, Springbreeze – I want you three on the other edges of the berry plot. Corral any rainclouds that start straying. Shoo them back into place if you can, disperse them if they’re too far out of line. Pace yourselves, though – I’ll need you on it all day. Take breaks in shifts. And don’t stray away from the boundary yourselves.” Two mares and a stallion nodded.

“Morning Breeze, Featherduster, Cumulus, Smokering – you’re all on breeze duty today. Keep it light, we don’t want it to be any harder to keep the clouds under control than it will be. And since you’ll be all around the village anyway, any clouds that get past those three, or drift in from outside, will be your job. Just knock ’em apart, nothing fancy.” The four youngest and most energetic pegasi on his team bobbed their heads, wings fluttering.

“The rest of us,” Stormchaser went on, “will be on the boundary line between the orchard and the berry plot. This here,” he threw a wing over Comet Trail’s withers and pulled in close against him, “is Comet Trail, who’s just moved here, and he’ll be joining us up on that boundary. He was with me at the Wonderbolts Academy and did just as well as I did, so you know you can count on him. He’ll be sticking close to me until I’ve had the chance to show him around properly, then he’ll be taking some turns supervising.”

The close contact sparked some exchanged glances and curious looks, but nopony commented, to him or to their neighbours. Whether that was because there was work to be done or because they really didn’t think it worth comment, Stormchaser didn’t much care right then.

“All right, ponies. You four, get the breeze going from the west – we’ll need to tow some rainclouds from the Croupenhagen Current, so we might as well use that breeze for it. You three, you’re with me, under the clouds, keeping the rain in check until it’s where we want it. Comet, I want you up high, shoring up any trouble spots at the edges. We’ll worry about where to move it all, but I could use your eyes and wings on point.”

“Can’t be harder than herding a thunderhead,” Comet Trail replied, bumping his flank against Stormchaser’s.

Given what had happened one memorable time they’d been doing that together… Stormchaser coughed, tried to ignore the burning in his ears, and went on, “Once we’ve got it in place, the far-edge ponies and I will swing up to get the rain started, and then they’ll split off for their patrol. At that point, the rest of us will need to keep the rain in place until the afternoon. I don’t want so much as a wisp of grey going past the fence. Got it?” Wings snapped up in a gesture that was somewhere between a salute and a team cheer.

“All right, pegasi.” Stormchaser took a deep breath, then called out, “Let’s make this weather happen!”

Takeoff went without incident, in spite of the big cluster of pegasi all taking to the air from the same place. Comet Trail’s was regulation perfect, without any of the flourish he’d so often shown at the Academy – at least until he got safely away from the other ponies, at which point he swept around in a tight, fast turn, leaving a golden contrail in his wake as he came back in to circle above the muster point, high and clear.

So he hadn’t lost his showpony’s spirit. That was, in its own way, just as reassuring as seeing that he knew when to rein it in.

Once everypony was in the air, they made their way west, to the ribbon of water-heavy clouds that snaked its way from far-off Cloudsdale. Most of them stayed together, climbing high, but the four young ponies were already spreading out, fanning the air back in the direction of the village square. There was already a modest breeze going by the time the pegasi assembled at the cloudstream.

There most of the ponies waited for him; on past days, Stormchaser had always personally selected the clouds to tug out of the stream, and so he would today. But this time, maybe he wouldn’t need to start them moving all by himself. “Comet Trail!” he called. “On my wing!”

The newest member of the team put on another burst of light-trailing speed, slowing down smoothly and coming to a hover a few lengths away, pacing Stormchaser on the way up and over the cloudstream. Stormchaser was already scanning the clouds as they bumped their way along, picking out a few likely candidates that had enough water to keep the bushes healthy but weren’t apt to let it all drain out too fast and wash away the almost-ripe fruit.

Comet Trail didn’t even need any further direction; he tilted back with his wings spread and ready, keeping himself aloft with little more than his wingtips, waiting. And when Stormchaser started beating harder, so did his partner. They were as perfectly balanced now as ever they’d been at the Academy, just as if they hadn’t spent months apart; one raincloud, then another, then a third drifted out of the stream, herded together by a dozen other pegasi.

That’d do. Stormchaser nodded at Comet Trail and swung down low. The whole formation shifted, with the a half-dozen ponies behind the clouds, a few to either side, and Stormchaser with his chosen trio underneath, compressing their bottoms and keeping them from raining on the way over.

It didn’t all go perfectly, but their newest member’s part of it certainly did; anytime the clouds started to shift apart or threatened to race ahead, Comet Trail was right there, bringing them back under control. Good. They got over the berry bushes without any actual incident, at which point, in answer to Stormchaser’s whistle, the ponies pushing the mass of clouds along spread out to stop them all in place.

Then it was time to make it rain, and for the pegasi to get to their respective stations.

Stormchaser hadn’t accounted for just how much difference one skilled pony could make. Once they were in place, the line of fence that divided the plots was easy to spot, and Comet Trail didn’t need it pointed out. He kept to one end, Stormchaser to the other, both of them watching for any ponies that were faltering or bits of cloud breaking off and calling others over to back up the gap. With skilled eyes at each end and Skyflash – herself quite competent – roughly in the middle, problems got spotted before they needed more than a moment’s adjustment to correct, so the pegasi along that border – thirteen, counting Stormchaser himself – didn’t get so tired so quickly as that demanding work might otherwise have made them. Breaks got called and adjusted for neatly, and for once even Stormchaser got to take a turn resting his wings.

The clouds rained themselves out as the sun was working its way down, and Stormchaser picked two who’d been working particularly well to break up what was left of them while the others went down to eat. Sure, it was a bit of a delay for the two thus chosen, but they set to it with gusto; what pegasus didn’t like a chance to just smash a cloud into little downy pieces now and then? They were obviously enjoying it, and after a day of precise, boring work keeping the clouds on station, enjoying themselves was probably better for them than getting a meal – or rather, getting in line for a meal – a few minutes faster.

Stormchaser avoided dealing with a lineup by working on the schedule for upcoming days, which was also the time he got notified of any important news that wasn’t so important as to interrupt him during the day’s work. He just took a dip in the river to cool down and rinse off, and then he sat down in the village square with paper, quills, and ink to delve into the distinctly less glamorous side of his job.

Since that was where the mail pegasi landed, that meant that when a message arrived for him, it got delivered quite promptly. That wasn’t strange. Nor was the delivery of a few messages by in-town couriers. What was somewhat strange was when a gently-steaming basket got set down right beside him.

“I got impatient,” Comet Trail confessed with a grin, “and figured dropping your name could get some food for both of us to enjoy away from the crowd.”

Truth be told, the chance to not get fawned over was rather welcome – and Stormchaser had no idea yet if Comet Trail’s very public greeting last night would ease that, or just make it worse. “Thanks, Comet,” he greeted, waving a hoof to invite the other stallion to join him. “You did good today – it’s really nice flying with you again.”

“Same to you, Captain Lead Pony.” Comet Trail grinned, dug into his salad for a few bites, and then, more seriously, said, “You’ve got some good ponies in this crew. A few of ’em look like they’re just itching for a chance to do some fancy flying, and I think they might be able to pull it off, too.”

Stormchaser could name three meeting that description; still, it was reassuring that Comet Trail thought so. Still, he couldn’t help but tease a little. “You, saying other ponies look like good fliers? You’ve really mellowed out over the months, Comet!”

“Got to have some competition to keep me sharp!” Comet tossed back.

In between bites, Stormchaser opened his mail. “Huh.”

“What’s in the wind?”

“An opportunity, I think. You know I said I wanted the chance to show you around, right?” He tapped the mail paper with a hoof. “Our turn’s coming up to mind the cloudstream around here, and Cloudsdale is asking for two fast pegasi to put to the task. It’d give a great lookout over Horseshoe Corners, especially if we finish up a circuit fast enough to spare a loop around. Says here,” he tapped one of the local messages, “that Jet Stream’s back on the roster for tomorrow, and he’d have been one of my first choices to delegate to. There’s nothing complicated in our weather for the next few days. So how about I put Jet Stream and Skyflash in charge here while you and I mind the cloudstream for a few days? After all,” he winked, “they did ask for fast pegasi.”

“That they did,” Comet Trail laughed. “And you’re right, it would give me a look at the place from quite a few angles. I’ll still want to do circuits closer in and meet people on the ground, get to know who’s where, but it’d be a good start!”

“Deal.” He held out a hoof, and Comet Trail bumped one of his against it.

“So.” The white pegasus tilted his head. “How long ’til you can put that down, huh?”

“Hungry, are you? You could start ahead of me,” Stormchaser laughed.

“For dinner, sure.” Gold eyes sparkled and white teeth gleamed. “Other things I’m after would need your active participation.”

Stormchaser laughed, tidied up the papers, and tucked them into his saddlebag. Maybe Comet Trail had a point. He’d already done the schedule twice over, and the adjustments he had in mind now were all minor. Ponies were getting over the feather flu. He had some energy to spare for the first time in over a week. Maybe it was time to stop being serious and enjoy himself for a little.