Fri 3 Feb 2012
What Will Never Be
Posted by Shurhaian under One-shot
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“If you could be anywhere right now,” said the red-haired girl, “where would it be?”
Murmurs went up and down the rows. Holiday resorts. Families. Idyllic destinations. More than a few settled for their own beds.
One big, brown-haired fellow just grunted.
“Come on, Matt,” urged the redhead. “There’s got to be some place you’d rather be than here, isn’t there?”
“Oh, sure there is, Jamie,” the big guy drawled. “But what’s the point in thinking about it?” He shrugged, lapsing into silence.
Some moments later, someone had the bravery to ask, “What do you mean?”
“What do I mean? You really want to know?” Matt glowered at the hesitant nods. “Doesn’t look like it to me.”
“Seriously, think about it.” Matt gestured at the window, at the dull brown nothing rolling past. “What good does it to to think of somewhere else? We’re here, every last one of us. And we’re going to stay here for who knows how long.”
“Jesus, Matt,” someone whispered – not in censure, but in shock. “You’re really taking that kinda rough. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” another chimed in. “I don’t remember you ever being this bitter.”
“A few days ago I was somewhere I liked being,” Matt shot back. “Now I’m here, just like all of you. And sure, nobody likes this place. The weather’s hot and nasty, there’s nothing to see, the bugs will eat you alive, and that’s not even starting on what we’re here to do. But what’s it matter? We’re here now.”
“Everybody’s gotta have a dream,” someone murmured.
Matt replied with a snort. “Yeah, yeah. I used to try that. I had the grandest hopes – a nice condo up in a high-rise, looking out over a city that was always hopping. A job I could work at during the day, then leave behind and go home to live it up. I even had a hot romance in that dream, too.” Oblivious to eyes lighting up with curiosity all around him, he forged on, “About five-nine, slim and sleek, a good handful downstairs, and would he ever wail when we got going….” He trailed off into a frustrated sigh.
“Whoa,” Jamie breathed. “I, uh, guess that explains why you’ve been immune to the ladies, huh?”
“Guess it does,” Matt breathed; then, with a bit of a growl, “Got a problem with that?”
“Oh, hell no,” she assured him, grinning. “Had a particular guy in mind, did you?”
“Yep,” grumbled Matt. “Don’t see him on my arm now, though, do you?”
“Oh, God,” someone gasped, dismayed.
Matt snorted. “None of the rest of it, either. What did all those fine dreams get me? Just a whole load of hurt. That little fantasy isn’t gonna happen, and thinking about it doesn’t make the days any easier. Just brings back the pain.”
“Matt…” A hand came to light on his shoulder, giving a squeeze.
He didn’t shake it off; he just sighed, closing his eyes. “Like it or not, we’re here now. We’d better get used to it; we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.”
Everyone lurched in their seats as they came to a halt. Matt was the first to rise, grabbing his bag from the rack and slinging it over one arm. With his rifle over his back, he stomped down the aisle and stepped out onto the dirt.
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