Thu 10 Nov 2022
Chamber of the Changed
Posted by Shurhaian under Werecreatures
1 Comment
Things had been starting out so well. A vacation spent not in some sun-baked tourist trap, but in a pleasantly temperate forest with only his boyfriend for company — that was pretty much perfect in Kevin’s mind. The day was sunny and mild, the breeze just enough to rustle the leaves and keep them cool as they hiked, and the air was full of animal calls; just a wonderful summer day, really.
These woods weren’t entirely natural, of course; the company tending them claimed to offer an Indiana Jones Lite sort of explorer experience, “ancient ruins” to explore, puzzles to solve, though so far, he and Jack hadn’t seen anything more disruptive to the forest than the game trail they were on. It seemed to be wending its way towards a river, though, and that was always a good place to look for “ancient” settlements, wasn’t it? It was, they figured, at least a good starting point.
Kevin was looking over his shoulder, about to comment on the chatter of yet another upset squirrel, when the ground gave way under his feet. He had just enough time to let out a yelp before his backside hit tumbling dirt, knocking the breath out of him. He bumped and slid under the surface, roots and dirt and clouds of dust racing past his eyes as he went.
The bumpy ride made it hard to get a sense of just how far he’d gone, but his butt was feeling more than a little raw by the time he came to a halt sprawled out on a solid surface, pebbles bouncing and tumbling around him. Up above, he heard Jack calling out — “Kevin? Kev? Fuck, man, say something!”
The guy was frantic, and why wouldn’t he be? But there was no need for him to panic. “I’m all right,” Kevin shouted back – a bit prematurely, maybe, as he hadn’t really taken stock of things yet, but he didn’t feel anything immediately worse than battered and bruised. He waved a hand through the clouds of dust that had followed him down, trying to disperse them and get some sense of where he’d wound up.
The dust cleared, and in an instant Kevin forgot about his bruises.
He was in a stone structure—worked stone, big blocks of it, not a natural cavern. Where he was seemed to be a collapsed passage of some kind, but a body-length or so past his boots, it looked perfectly sound, and a little bit past that, it opened up into a broader chamber. Much broader, though he couldn’t see much of it past some large obstruction rising right in front of the passage. Warm golden light came from that chamber, soft and steady, not flickering like firelight.
Holy hell. He’d been expecting some clumps of half-overgrown stone on the surface, not this.
He craned his neck to look up behind him. He must have come a good twenty or thirty feet, but there was a clear line of daylight shining down; the sun wasn’t at an angle for it to actually illuminate much down this far, but it did look like a pretty straight course. “Can you get down here all right, Jack? You’ll want to see this!”
“Down?” Even muffled by the distance and distorted by the irregular tunnel, the incredulity in Jack’s voice was plain. “I hope so, man, just gimme a moment to finish tying this off.”
Safety first; that was fine by him. “Gotcha,” he called back, and slipped out of his backpack before proceeding to gingerly pick himself up. His shoulders complained a bit, but nothing too strenuous; nothing broken. His throat was irritated – he was coughing after his encounter with that much dust – but he was a long way from choking. A quick pat-down of himself found nothing that stung enough to suggest he’d even got a scrape, never mind a cut. Rough as his descent had been, it had been a slide, not a fall, and most of what had come down with him was dirt, with only a scattering of small pebbles and leaf litter. Could have been a lot worse, really.
The light from the hole dimmed almost to nothing; Jack must have started his own descent. Kevin strode around the little passageway, swinging his arms and legs to shake out whatever kinks might have been knocked into him on the way down. Presently, he heard scraping, and a bit more soil came tumbling down.
Scraping? Oh, Jack wasn’t coming down himself; he was letting his pack down first. A few more seconds and it was out of the hole; Kevin grabbed a strap with one hand and the nylon rope with the other. “Got your pack,” he yelled.
“Good, ‘cause there ain’t much rope left. A’ight, I’m comin’.” True to his word, only about three feet of rope came down when it went slack – but it had been enough, and really, that was the most important thing. Again the hole went dark, and Kevin stepped aside.
Jack didn’t come down quite as quickly as Kevin himself had, but it didn’t take him much longer; he came down on a rappelling winch, one footstep at a time, but without needing to worry about handholds. With his boots on the stone, he squeezed the clamp, then turned to look at Kevin, wide-eyed and worried. “Shit, man, you scared the crap out of me,” he breathed, hands seizing Kevin’s shoulders. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, Jack,” Kevin insisted. “I’ve had worse from a day’s work.”
“Thank fuck.” And just like that, Kevin found himself wrapped up in a bear hug. Not that he minded; he’d had a fright of his own, and having the other man there with him, a strong and solid presence, was immensely reassuring. He wrapped his arms around Jack’s shoulders and squeezed back.
Another brief coughing fit interrupted the moment. Jack leaned back a bit, hands returning to Kevin’s shoulders, and tilted his head. “You sure you’re okay, man?”
“I’ll be fine,” Kevin insisted. “It was a dusty trip down, but it’s not like I was standing in clouds of it for hours. Just gotta get the gunk out.”
Jack smiled, teeth brilliant white against his dark skin. “I’ll hold you to that. Now,” he let himself look away from Kevin, “what was it you—holy fuck.”
“I know, right?” Kevin muffled one more cough and shifted to stand beside his boyfriend, looking into the great open space beyond. “Dunno where you found these guys, but man, they do not mess around.”
“No shit. Wasn’t expecting much more than a hiking trip, really.”
“Can’t really see much from here, though,” Kevin pointed out, and grinned. “Shall we?”
“Sounds like a plan. Let’s do it right, though.” Jack crouched by his pack, rooting in it for a few moments, and came up with a spool of bright-pink monofilament. He shrugged into his pack; Kevin took the opportunity to grab his canteen before doing likewise, and by the time he’d taken a swig, Jack had clipped the tracer line to the dangling end of the rope he’d come down on.
Just because they hadn’t really expected much didn’t mean they hadn’t prepared for it. The line was hand-cranked to wind up, rather than being on a spring, and had just a bit of brake on it; it wouldn’t freewheel or unwind from the line’s own weight, but it played out behind him with only a light tug. Taking another swig of water, Kevin followed Jack into the larger chamber.
The thing in their way looked like a stele of some kind; there was only a blank rectangle of stone from this side. Beyond, though, a grand hall opened up before them. Terraced steps descended from that pedestal, interrupted in two places by raised slopes that connected to a pair of thick columns; two more pairs of them lay beyond, holding up the vaulted ceiling. Sconces on those pillars held what looked like hunks of transparent yellow crystal, and their steady glow was what illuminated the place. It didn’t look like a throw-away set, just put together as an attraction; it looked more like the centrepiece of a cathedral.
That impression didn’t falter when they got down to the main floor and turned to look at the front face of the stele. It was carved, all right; the twelve-foot surface bore two figures, men with wolf-like features holding up a disc of some sort. A disc with a thin crescent inscribed on it. The gibbous moon, maybe? The wolf-men were carved in amazing detail, lean and athletic, with not a stitch of clothing to be seen—though the way they were posed was enough to keep them decent.
Jack whistled. “Goddamn. I’ve seen shit in museums that ain’t even close to this nice.”
“They made all this?” Kevin stifled another cough. “Or did they find it and pretty it up?”
“I dunno, man. But you see that, there?” Jack pointed at what Kevin had overlooked as a rock, but turned out to actually have another small design on it, a much-more-stylized wolf’s head on a circle. “That’s right off their website, if you take away the colours.”
Curiouser and curiouser. Kevin took another swallow; damn that dust had left him thirsty. “Weird that we came in behind it,” he mused.
“I think we came in the out door, man. Not like they could move all this around based on which way we went first!”
Kevin laughed. “Yeah, true. Amazing as it all is already, that would take a genuine act of God. So what do you think we were supposed to find before this?”
“Let’s find out,” Jack said cheerfully. “Maybe it’ll give some kinda story to all this.”
The lower end of the hall had a vaulted passage that was much the same as the one they’d come in by, except it wasn’t caved-in and didn’t seem to be in any danger of doing so anytime soon. There were vines and roots and moss in evidence, but on closer inspection, they were all growing on the walls rather than through them. Light was a little sparser; every so many arches had one of those glowing crystals hanging from the apex, which was enough to keep from stumbling, but still left bands of shadow between the pools of light.
On closer inspection, even the mossy bits seemed to be cultivated, with the moss growing on some kind of fibrous veneer rather than on the bare stone. The stonework itself was absolutely pristine, despite having taken some considerable pains to look overgrown and weathered. This also confirmed that the stone was cool to the touch, as might be expected of something a good bit underground.”Fuck. Don’t know why I feel so warm,” Kevin said, tugging open a button below his collar.
“Friction on the way down, then dirt clogging up your sweat glands?” Jack hazarded. “You lookin’ almost as dark as me, my man. Maybe you just need a wash.”
He was probably exaggerating about that, but he was right about needing a wash. A dip in a cool stream would be downright heavenly right now, on so many levels.
They came to a T-junction, from the “upright” branch. The archway they came through was ornately carved in abstract patterns, practically screaming “this way,” but other than that, the only ornamentation was the same faux-natural growth they’d been seeing up to this point.
“Really feels like we’re doin’ this backwards,” Jack observed. “Which way?”
Kevin mulled that over for a moment, and as he was doing so, something brushed against his attention. Did he hear running water, or was it just his imagination, wishful thinking brought on by the heat and grime? Still, it was as good a cue as any right now. “Let’s try this way,” he said, waving at the left-hand branch.
“Works for me,” the other man said, and got right back to playing out his line. It didn’t take long before he lifted his head, stride slowing a bit. “Hey, I think I hear water.”
“Glad it’s not just me,” Kevin admitted. “Oh, hey, I think it’s lighter around that next corner.”
It sure was; another left turn and they were in another open chamber, not quite as grand in scope as the one they’d entered through, but if anything nicer. They came in at the corner, via an arch in one of the rectangular room’s shorter sides, and there was a fountain here, almost a pool, whose edge was rounded by a tiled path amid the broader flagstones. The fountain itself was another rectangle, almost straddling the room at that end, just leaving enough space on either side for a walkway. Rising in the middle of it was a plinth bearing a sculpture – not a relief this time, but a full-on statue – this one showing another wolf-man, crouching and touching the jaw of a regular wolf. Well, “regular;” it was quite a hefty specimen next to the wolf-man. The side they’d come in was the one with the wolf-man; maybe that was by design, matching up with the design on the stele.
On the side of the fountain towards the main space of the room was a raised basin – kind of like a bird bath in shape, except that one side had a gap in it, and it was from there that water spilled into the main pool. The spout had another glowing crystal in it, making the stream of water glimmer with cool blue-white light.
“My God, that’s tempting,” Kevin admitted, taking another swig from his now-mostly-empty canteen as he stepped around to inspect that basin. The stone was clean, the water looked absolutely pristine, and there wasn’t any hint of foul odour. The basin was deep enough for there to be a substantial pool of water beneath where it spilled out into the fountain; enough that he could get his head right in there if he so chose.
“Shit, man – I didn’t get a lungful of dirt and I’m tempted,” Jack replied with a laugh. “If this was actually some old ruin, I might be a bit worried, but hell – it’s obviously got someone taking care of it, and the water’s not clogged or anything.”
“Yeah, I think it’s probably safe enough,” Kevin agreed. But first he had to do something about the dirt, at least on his hands and face. For that he knelt down next to the bigger fountain. A hand dipped in the water found it clean and cool; a bit of a cloud formed around his dirty fingers, then dispersed into invisibility before he could even make out where the drain might be. He set his other hand in, scrubbed them together into something resembling cleanliness, then bent down a bit more to splash it on his face.
What a blessed relief it was! By the time he finished a quick scrub, he was feeling much better, though he’d be even happier once he could get the rest of him clean, too. Still thirsty, though, he dipped his much-less-grimy hands into the raised basin and scooped up some water to take a sip – and it tasted even better than it felt, cold and crisp, like the finest spring water he’d ever had.
“Fuck me,” he panted, tugging at his collar. “This is really making me realize just how dirty I got. Itches like crazy.”
“Hey, man, you wanna get a bit cleaner, I’m not gonna complain,” Jack said with a grin. Then he paused, grin fading, and blinked a few times. “Uh… you shaved before you picked me up, right?”
It was Kevin’s turn to blink. What kind of question was that, to ask out of the blue? “What? Yeah, I did, why?”
“’cause you’re suddenly lookin’ a bit… scruffy…” Suddenly he grabbed Kevin’s wrist, holding it up. “Dude, what the fuck?”
Okay, sure, he’d been filthy and he was literally itching to get properly cleaned up, but what was getting to the man like that? “What, man? It’s just—” Then he actually got a good look at his hand. No, it was not just dirt as he’d been about to say; his whole hand was blanketed by a thick pile of hair. Not the thin dusting he was used to, but more like a full beard – and getting longer as he watched. His itchy fingertips were reshaping before his eyes, nails condensing and projecting into firm claws.
And not only was his body itching, his clothes were suddenly feeling awfully tight. Quickly becoming uncomfortable, in fact. “Shit! I gotta get out of this stuff.” He pulled his hand free and tugged at the buttons of his fleece shirt, but his fingers didn’t want to cooperate.
Jack broke out of his stupor and started attacking the buttons himself. “Set that pack down, Kev. Fuck, I was hoping I’d finally get to see you naked on this trip, but this is not what I had in mind!”
“You and me both, on all counts,” Kevin said – with difficulty and some stuttering; words, too, were getting difficult. Once his pack was off his shoulders and on the ground, he pawed at his face, but something was very wrong there, too.
But with Jack’s help, he got his shirt off, and that helped a lot. Boots, socks, belt, then, when it was obvious the tightness wasn’t going away, his khakis and shorts too. He didn’t have it in him to worry about being naked, because it just felt so damn good to be out of those tight, stifling clothes. He shook himself out, and the itching subsided into a more general, but milder fidgetiness; he twitched this limb, that digit, and generally wriggled, leaning first on the basin for balance, then giving up and dropping onto all fours.
Not onto his hands and knees – something was different about his legs, now, his feet planting comfortably on the stone even with his hands down farther forward. And something altogether new was twitching about at the end of his spine.
“Fuck me,” said Jack, sounding awestruck. “Dude, unless you’ve been holdin’ out on me – which I’d totally forgive you for ‘cause I probably wouldn’t have believed it – I think that water turned you into a fuckin’ werewolf or somethin’!”
A whatnow? The water next to the basin was too full of ripples to offer a good reflection, and in the basin was even worse; Kevin scampered over to one end of the pool. It wasn’t exactly mirror-smooth over there, either, but it was enough to offer him a glimpse; sure enough, that was a wolf’s face looking back at him, toothy jaws slightly agape in amazement. His fur was the same sandy blond his hair had been, just long and thick all over now, but his eyes had gone from green to gold.
He sat up in a crouch and took a look at himself. Yep, more fur, all over that same pale brown. His hands were still definitely hands, and were feeling a bit steadier now, but each finger was tipped with a dog-like claw instead of a nail; his fingertips and palms had bare pads, but there was more fur between them, to say nothing of on their backs. He ran a hand down his side; not only could he still feel things fine, at least in the broad strokes, that fur felt silky.
The place could have turned him into something worse, really. Though speaking of the place, the walls and ceiling didn’t feel as far off as they had before…
“You, uh…” Jack was obviously speaking softly, the tone made that clear, but he sounded plenty loud in Kevin’s canine ears. “How are you feelin’, Kev?”
Kevin turned towards him – and blinked, needing to look down despite still being in a crouch. Jack, who’d been a few inches taller than him, was now quite a bit smaller. Assuming it was only Kevin who’d changed, he must have gained a good three feet of height, and filled out in proportion to boot.
But he’d been asked a question, hadn’t he?
He rose upright, Jack’s anxious gaze following him upwards. He laced his hands together and stretched upwards – he didn’t quite brush the ceiling, but it wasn’t at all as far off as it had been; with a bit of a jump it’d be easy. And in the process of growing, he’d apparently lost all the stiffness and tension that the daily grind had left him with; he felt limber, flexible, and absolutely, heart-poundingly alive. “I’m feeling good,” he breathed, and even to himself, his voice sounded like a growl, deep and resonant.
Good, yes, but there was a way it could be better. And Jack had just mentioned wanting to get him naked on this trip, which had been something Kevin, too, had hoped would happen.
He hunkered down a bit and hooked a finger into the collar of Jack’s shirt, pulling him close. “But you,” he said, “are looking a bit overdressed still.”
“Oh, fuck me,” Jack gasped, and swallowed hard. “Well, shit, man – guess we don’t really need to set up camp when we’ve got a place like this, huh?”
“That’s the spirit.” Kevin grinned. He knew Jack was active and fit, so he was pretty certain he’d enjoy what he was about to see. But while Jack was scrambling to unfasten his own clothes, Kevin might as well do something to make things a bit more comfortable. To that end, he fumbled a bit with the clasps holding his sleeping bag on his backpack – he’d lost a bit of dexterity, but now that his hands weren’t itching and shaking, it wasn’t too bad. He got the sleeping bag unrolled by the time Jack had his boots and socks off, and a bit of digging in his pack turned up his self-inflating air mattress, too.
By that time, Jack was wriggling out of his shirt, and damn if he wasn’t just as fine as Kevin’s wildest dreams – even if he no longer seemed quite so big as Kevin had thought. No matter; he’d seen Greek statuary that didn’t look so fit. Though now Jack was pausing, with a bit of a sheepish grin, hands on his belt, as he saw Kevin looking at him.
“I, uh… I was gonna ask if you’re sure you wanna do this,” Jack said. “Silly question, huh?”
“Got that right,” Kevin breathed. “C’mere.” He hooked a finger under that belt and tugged; Jack scrambled over towards him rather than fall, and Kevin’s snout bumped against his shoulder. Automatically he took a deep sniff. The smell of sweat was there, of course; clean sweat, not stale. So was a wealth of forest smells, wildflowers and loam and other, subtler things that Kevin somehow understood – small animals, sap, even woods that he hadn’t previously thought of as fragrant. Under that, body wash and shampoo – and under all that, something unique, something distinctly male. Kevin felt a shudder race through him, as though a surge of sheer longing was passing from his nose, down his spine, coiling around his balls and giving them a good warm squeeze.
Fuck but he wanted this man. Needed him. His hands, already a bit more confident, tugged Jack’s belt open, then his fly, even as he trailed licks and kisses downward, over his collarbone, his chest – lingering just a moment to lick and nibble at the nub of a nipple, and didn’t that awaken a positively delicious moan – over his firm abs, getting down there just in time for his hands to tug down Jack’s jeans and the shorts beneath, letting his plump, swelling penis swing free.
Kevin’s sense of scale was still more than a little confused, but just comparing it to the rest of him, well, it seemed the stereotype of a Big Black Cock hadn’t come out of nowhere. Keven pressed a broad, strong tongue up against its base and went upwards from there.
He wasn’t the first guy Kevin had had in his mouth. But he just got so more taste and scent, now – it was unbelievable. Intoxicating. Heavenly. He was dimly aware of hands on his shoulders, working into his fur and then taking firm hold; but he just absently dismissed it as right and proper, then refocused his attention on the warm flesh sliding against his tongue, into his mouth. Out, back in, out and in… it was just exquisite.
It wasn’t enough, though. They could manage something closer and more intimate than this. He drew his head up and back, letting Jack’s liberally-moistened glans slip off his tongue, and sat up. “Better get yourself comfy,” he growled, “’cause this has been a long time coming.”
“Fuck yeah it has, man,” Jack said, stepping to the side, pausing as his toes brushed the sleeping bag. He crouched down in turn, fingers gliding though Kevin’s chest-fur. “Not complainin’, but this is not how I imagined it.”
Kevin couldn’t help but laugh, though it came out a bit like a bark. “Yeah, same,” he admitted. Oh, what the hell; he’d had a good feel on the way down. However much he longed to fuck the other man, he might as well let him explore a little in turn.
“Fuck, man, you feel nice,” Jack said, hands pressing down through the fur to feel over Kevin’s ribs. “Wouldn’t mind having this to cuddle up to in the colder months. Get a cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere with a nice warm fire, just you and me…” His hands paused. “Holy fuck.”
“Aww, don’t stop there,” Kevin teased, “that was sounding so nice!”
“Sorry, man. Jesus.” His hands wrapped around an erection that Kevin hadn’t consciously noticed was there and ready, giving it a squeeze that drove a sharp yip out of its needy owner. “Kevin, I love you, I want you so bad, and I was really hopin’ you’d fuck my brains out on this trip, but this thing ain’t fittin’ in.”
Kevin’s ears pinned back as a sudden sense of disappointment, almost loss seized him. Wouldn’t fit? But he wasn’t exactly super-hung, even at half again his usual size it —
Once again, his brain caught up with what his eyes were telling him. That bit had not scaled up proportionately. Jack’s hand wasn’t even wrapping around it, and he did not have small hands. The bright-red pole he had hanging in front of him had to be thick as a beer can for most of its length, or just about, and well over a foot long. And then there was the swell at its base. No, even if it did taper to almost a point at its tip, that wasn’t going to fit. A frustrated whimper worked its way out of him.
Well, there was no reason he couldn’t get fucked, was there? He’d slobbered all over that fine black cock, and besides, he was a lot bigger now than usual. Surely that’d be enough to make do without needing to fumble around for some lube. And while they’d shared enough details of their respective wants that he’d suspected Jack would want to be on the receiving end first, that also meant he knew the other man wasn’t at all an exclusive bottom.“You’re right,” he said at last. “Yours will, though!”
“That’ll work,” Jack replied with a laugh. “You wanna lie down, or shall I?”
“Get yourself comfy,” Kevin repeated. “I’ve got energy to burn suddenly. Man, you have no idea how good this feels.”
“Well, I wanna make it a bit better,” said Jack, easing himself onto the sleeping bag and stretching out.
“Shouldn’t be too hard,” Kevin assured him, crouching astride him. It took a bit of careful thought; last time he’d ridden a guy like this had been a few years back, and his sense of perspective had been rather different. At least keeping his own weight up was suddenly much easier; that helped make up for that weight being, he had to assume, much greater just as suddenly. And he could shift forward a bit just by curling his toes, so when he felt Jack’s cockhead nudging behind his balls, he could easily inch forward; between that and Jack shifting under him, his next attempt bore fruit, firm warmth spreading him open and sinking in. Not quite with no resistance, but it was so, so easy.
It was all he could do to keep steady. It didn’t just feel better, it felt amazing. Every part of him had become hyper-sensitive, his ass certainly not an exception; he’d had orgasms that weren’t as strong as what he got just from Jack finally being inside him.
“Oh fuck, man,” came an impassioned moan from under him, about chest-level. Strong fingers slid over his cock, leaving trails of electrifying sensation in their wake, and when he gasped and pressed back a little harder onto his lover’s shaft, his own also slid against Jack’s firm, muscular body, and that drove his reflexes the other way. Jack’s grip around him tightened, stroking him with a will. “You feel so fuckin’ good.”
And wasn’t that the truth. How he hadn’t popped by now was a mystery — but that wasn’t quite what the man had meant, was it? Panting hard, unable to articulate anything beyond whimpers and whines, Kevin managed to push himself up a little, staring down at the mysteriously-smaller man. Jack was arched up a bit, eyes squeezed shut, dreadlocks come loose from their customary neat tail and fanning out around his head, his hands sliding up and down the sides of that ludicrous pole Kevin was somehow attached to. Even as he watched, Jack gasped, shivered, and lifted his head, a sudden wash of hot breath wafting over Kevin’s tapered tip – and just as Kevin came to understand what he was about to do, Jack’s hands both slid down, wrapping as far as they could around the thick bulb at the base of Kevin’s altered cock.
It was like nothing he’d ever felt, a surge of sensation that drowned out all his other senses in a tide of pleasure. Dimly, he felt a stretch in his neck as his head flung back, but other than that, all he knew was his cock – a pressure against that knot that felt so amazingly right, and soon, the wet warmth of lips and tongue at its tip – and a flood of indescribable ecstasy. The pressure got stronger, and time itself blurred; Kevin could feel the pounding of his heart, driving that pleasure through his veins, but something so involved as counting the beats was far beyond him.
Then that diffuse pleasure concentrated, came to rest in his balls for the briefest of moments, and exploded out of him. Jet after jet raced down his length with palpable force, each accompanied by a stab of maddeningly exquisite delight. In moments he was drunk on it, needed it, wanting it to never stop even as some tiny part of him worried it would erase him. End it did, though, or at least ebbed enough that he could feel the stone under his hands and feet, the burning in his overworked lungs, the licking and sucking on the end of his cock. All smells were drowned out by that of his own semen, pungent and overpowering. Jack was writhing under him, moans muffled around his cock, and each motion somehow seemed to be driving the man’s cock deeper under Kevin’s tail.
ThenJack’s mouth slipped off of him, and the strange, growling tone of those moans let him know something else was different. As did the fact that those moans were coming from somewhere level with his collarbone now. For that matter, he wasn’t crouching quite as low anymore, despite still having his boyfriend as deep in him as he could.
It wasn’t just his imagination that Jack was filling him more with each passing moment, it was really happening. Jack’s writhing wasn’t due to climax, at least not yet. He was basically squirming out of his old skin and into a new one even as Kevin rode him.
It wasn’t quite the same transformation, though. Jack’s body was a good bit rounder – specifically, not nearly so broad across the shoulders. His limbs were twisting into a rather different shape. When he paused to catch his breath, it was very much paws that pressed against Kevin’s shoulders; very dog-like paws, albeit broader than any dog Kevin had already met.
“Fffffuckin’ell,” Jack growled, his voice distorted but comprehensible. “You weren’t kiddin’, hon. This feels amazing.”
One word cut through the haze of orgasmic bliss more than all the rest combined. One syllable, one quick little term of endearment, and it had rolled off his tongue so naturally even though he was struggling a bit just to speak at all. Kevin shivered, letting that fondness wash over him, a softer delight than the climax whose tail end still gripped him, but no less profound.
He closed his eyes, took a deep, ragged breath, then opened them again and looked down. That was definitely a wolf’s face gazing back up at him. Jack was actually longer of body than him again, and not by a small margin like when they’d started walking; he may have been shorter when he’d put his paws on Kevin’s shoulders, but now it would be a fair bit easier for him to reach over them entirely. His fur, unsurprisingly, was midnight black. Kevin’s mental math was still more than a bit shaky, but the wolf under him had to be the size of a pony.
And by the sweet fullness under Kevin’s tail, very nearly hung like one, too. Except for that swell just inside him, hot and hard and right.
“You feel amazing,” Kevin managed, leaning on one arm and getting the other hand behind the wolf’s neck, tugging his head upwards, tilting his own head to meet muzzle to muzzle. It was a bit awkward, a bit messy, but given that he could still feel warm fluid pulsing out of him, maybe that was for the best.
Jack whined into the kiss, trembling. His legs – his hind legs – churned against Kevin’s hips, that massive knot swelling a bit more. “Kev,” he moaned — and despite it being muffled against his own mouth, despite how much they’d both changed, Kevin had no trouble at all reading that frantic note in the wolf’s voice.
“Do it, love,” he growled, lapping at his lover’s muzzle. “I want you to come in me ‘til my eyes turn milky. Fill me right up, right now!” And with as much force as his own waning climax had left to him, he clenched around that massive knot.
That did it. Jack bucked under him, head sinking back against the stone. He let out a long, ululating moan, somewhere between a lupine howl and a human cry; his forelegs wrapped around Kevin’s shoulders; and he came.
God, did he ever. Liquid heat squirted deep into Kevin’s body, more forceful than anything he’d ever been on the receiving end of – it felt like trying to drink from a hose, only in the other end. Already stuffed full by his lover’s meat, soon Kevin felt fit to burst from his seed, and it was wonderful. Warm wetness on his balls told him it was leaking out of him, and that was exactly as it ought to be. He wanted more, wanted every sticky drop, and Jack, shuddering under him, obliged.
Time passed; how much, Kevin couldn’t even begin to guess. The throes of passion ebbed, their bodies growing still but for laboured breaths, and those, too, settled and grew calmer. The flood of seed trickled off; maybe to nothing, maybe it was just the sheer volume that had been pumped into him that was still leaking out of him, or maybe – to judge by the sluggish trickle he still felt pulsing down his own rigid cock – maybe there was still a bit more lazily flowing in. He felt not only the firm body under him and the lush fur coating it, but the cloth and then stone beneath them both, and the cool humidity in the air, soothing throats that might otherwise have grown hoarse in their shared exertions.
It was a strange and wondrous place they were in, but now it also felt secure and comforting, somehow, a shelter from the harsh world above. As long as they had each other, things would be okay; in the soft haze of afterglow, that one truth infused everything he knew.
A cool, damp nose pressed against one of his ears. “God, Kev,” Jack murmured. “Part of me wants to freak out about not having hands, but this just feels so good.”
“No kidding.” Kevin pushed himself up a bit, enough to look into Jack’s golden eyes. “If it was just me, I’d say, fuck it, if I’m stuck like this I’ve probably come out ahead. For your sake, I hope it’s temporary.”
“Me too,” Jack admitted. “But if it ain’t… you’ll be my hands when I need ‘em, right?”
“In a heartbeat,” Kevin promised, and moved in for another kiss. Just a quick, gentle one, this time; it was still a bit awkward, but at least it wasn’t slobbery. “I love you, Jack. Whatever happens here, I want you to know that, and I’m glad you came up with this trip.”
Jack shivered. “God, it’s good to hear you say that,” he sighed. “I love you too, Kevin. Can’t think of anyone I’d rather be stuck with.” He gave a toothy grin, tongue lolling out one side of his mouth for a moment before he added, “Or in.”
“There are worse fates,” Kevin agreed, cupping a hand against the wolf’s cheek. “We’ve got plenty more exploring to do when you slip out, but for right now? Man, you feel good in there.”
Jack laughed, pawing at his cheek in turn. And on that consensus, they settled in to wait, together – not that they had much choice, but not that they needed one, either.
Nice. 🙂