A Crack in the Shell

June 23, 2010
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<<< Go back to Treasure in the Rubble “So you’re saying that Team Rocket are doing experiments to try to make… some sort of obedient half-Pokémon supersoldiers, and that’s how you came about? And that your Eevee is another of their experiments?” Darren nodded, grimly. “Fox can evolve into any of Eevee’s evolution forms at more »


Treasure in the Rubble

June 23, 2010
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<<< Go back to One Good Move Darren caught up with his companions considerably sooner than he’d expected, even slowed down by not being able to see the uneven rock floor. They’d stopped to wait when they’d heard the rumble of falling rocks, and far as he could tell in the flickering light from the more »


One Good Move

June 23, 2010
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<<< Go back to Fifteen Feet Under They hadn’t run far when Fox flew up and landed on Darren’s shoulders, where he reverted to Eevee form — drawing a gasp of surprise from the girl — and settled down to rest, draped with his forelegs on one side of Darren’s neck and his tail on more »


Fifteen Feet Under

June 23, 2010
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<<< Go back to Mareep in Wolf’s Clothing Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for someone to take up pursuit. The chase lead away from the Pokécenter, away from the delivery truck where Darren’s supposed trainer was probably still waiting, and towards the eastern road out of the city. Having offended the city’s police force, making more »